Student must have a valid Baptismal Certificate in order to be confirmed!
Tentative Fall Schedule (subject to change):
Junior and Senior High School classes will be held on Sunday mornings, 10:45AM - 12:15PM. Students who miss a class will be provided with missed work upon their return to class. This homework must be turned in during the next scheduled class in order to receive attendance credit. This will be a combined 7th-12th grades class with grade appropriate homework handed out and expected to be returned during their next regular class. Please note that a copy of the student's Baptismal Certificate may be required.
Thank you, God Bless you, and see you all soon!
Terri A Gervais, DRE 7-12 Grade
Is God calling you to Teach?
Religious Education Teachers are always in need! Please pray about the possibility that God may be calling you to teach our youth. No experience is necessary, and materials are provided. All you need is a love for God and the desire to help the Church grow. Our teachers teach students from 3 yrs old through high school seniors. If God is calling you to teach, please contact the one of the Religious Education diectors.