Our Altar Servers and Acolytes assist at Mass and do so in style! Our Parish is very proud of our Altar Servers, and we encourage boys and girls who have made their First Communion to join this important and meaningful part of our Parish Life. For information regarding joining and training to become an Altar Server or Acolyte, please contact the Dolores Biggs or James Williams through the Parish Office.
St. Francis Choir
The St. Francis de Sales Choir provides liturgical music at the Sunday 9:30 Mass. Extensive musical experience is not necessary - just a desire to praise God through song! Come and join us for a meaningful way to serve the Lord and our Parish Family. For information or to become a Choir member, please contact Dr. Julian Ackerly through the Parish Office.
These men and women provide support to home bound parishioners and those who cannot for whatever reason attend Mass through livestreamed Masses. They help distribute information to parishioners. Members of this ministry record or livestream Mass weekly, update Facebook, YouTube and the website. They can also provide technical information to various Parish Commissions. If you are interested in serving in this high-tech ministry, please contact Scott or Eva McDonough.
The Disciples of the Altar and Beautification Team celebrate the presence of God in our church, and in particular, in the tabernacle on the Altar. We strive to follow the example of the Disciples who prepared the upper room for Passover by insuring that the church and sanctuary are clean and beautiful for the celebration of the Mass. Our responsibilities include decorating with seasonal banners and flowers; washing and ironing altar linens weekly; cleaning the body of the church and freshening the flower arrangements weekly. You can choose any one or more of those activities to offer your service. For more information, please contact Sharon Guthrie through the Parish Office.
Come spend an hour with Jesus. From October through April, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday in the church after the 8:00 AM Mass, continuing in silent prayer all day, and ending with benediction at 6:00 PM. From May through September, benediction is at 12:00 PM. For information regarding participating to spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, please contact David Croft through the Parish Office.
St. Francis de Sales is blessed with the number, quality, and tremendous dedication of the many men and women who have been trained to be our Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic. These parishioners distribute Holy Communion during all of the Masses. For information on training to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharistic, please contact Salim and Karen Dominguez through the Parish Office.
Hospital Visits
Specially trained Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic bring Holy Communion to the sick and to shut-ins. Each week these men and women serve God’s people in homes, hospitals and nursing homes throughout our community. For information on taking the Eucharist to those sick or shut-in, please contact Stu Sepulvida through the Parish Office.
St. Francis de Sales Lectors and Commentators are parishioners who have volunteered for this important ministry and have been trained to develop and perfect their skills in oral communication. There is always a need for more men and women, young and old, to serve in this ministry.
The ministry of Lector at Mass is a position of honor in the Church, a genuine Liturgical ministry. Lectors proclaim the Scripture readings from the pulpit, and lead the congregation in psalm responses, and, through use of various factors of speech, communicates the meaning of the texts to the congregation.
Commentators introduce the weekend Masses, announce the hymns, lead the congregation in psalm responses, and make various announcements necessary to the celebration.
For information on becoming a Lector/Commentator, please contact Bernie Kanavage, Heather King or Tom Neville through the Parish Office.
The Philotheas Group is probably the oldest on-going organization in St. Francis de Sales Parish. Our founding pastor, Fr. Todd O'Leary, started this group around the year 1971.
The purpose of the Philotheas Group is to prepare and take food to the home of the family of a deceased Parishioner while the family is at the funeral Mass and cemetery, or set up a luncheon in the O'Leary Room.
The group has no meetings, no officers, and most of its members probably do not know how many Parishioners are involved in the work of the group. Upon notification of the death of a member of our Parish family, the Philotheas Group is contacted. A member of the group contacts the bereaved family and offers to provide a light meal for 20 to 25 people, and further arrangements are then made. The Parish provides the money for the purchase of the meat and cheese, and the other dishes (salads, baked beans, potato chips, rolls and bread, cake, etc.) and services are gladly donated by members of the group.
If you would be interested in participating in this very important ministry, or if you would like more information, please contact LeSha Charnetsky through the Parish Office.
Are you someone who would see sharing your faith and the faith journey of another as a great thing?
R.C.I.A. is always looking for new sponsors. Please contact Deacon Russ & Maureen Kingery if you would like more information.
The purpose of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is primarily to assist the poor and needy in the spirit of the charity of Jesus Christ. Members of the St. Francis de Sales group find in this important ministry a great deal of both the fulfillment and challenge of the Gospel, for themselves as well as for the people they serve. The generosity of our Parishioners through use of the monthly St. Vincent de Paul collection envelope, donations to the “poor boxes” in the church, and participation in food drives has enabled members to touch the lives of very many in our community. For more information on volunteering please contact the Parish Office. Or if you need assistance, please see the SVdP request website.
The St. Francis de Sales Ushers are a cherished and valuable group of Parishioners who each weekend do their best to assist, in whatever way they can, all who come to worship in our Parish. The Ushers greet those coming to Mass, assist them in finding a seat if necessary, help with the collection and Offertory procession, distribute bulletins after Mass, just to name a few of their many and varied services!
If you are interested in becoming an Usher or would like more information on the ushering program, please contact Lori Hahn through the Parish Office.
We would like all expectant moms and parenting mothers to know that St. Francis de Sales parish cares for them and will help with their spiritual, emotional, material, and financial needs.
The Walking With Moms in Need Ministry wants to provide alternatives to women who might otherwise seek an abortion. We are also there to provide healing for women suffering in the aftermath of an abortion.
Everyone in the parish is invited to help by:
• Knowing the resources available to expectant moms
• Supporting the pregnancy centers and services available to moms and dads in difficult circumstances
• Participating with their time, treasure, or talent
If you are able to help with this ministry, please contact Kolette Kozlowicz through the Parish Office.